Church Planting

MNA Church Planting Services

With expectation of Christ’s kingdom coming in greater fullness among us by the advance of his gospel in depth and breadth throughout North America, MNA serves churches and presbyteries as we trust God for the advancement of the gospel through church planting.

Experience demonstrates that church planting expands and flourishes when a church planting “ecosystem” (ecosystem: think in terms of a healthy, thriving lake, farm, forest, or ocean bay) is in place and thriving in these seven phases:

  • Developing and recruiting church planters and church planting teams (Develop and Recruit)
  • Assessing church planter candidates and their spouses (Assess)
  • Training and assisting church planters in their fundraising (Fundraise)
  • Seeking God’s guidance in placing the church planter (Placement)
  • Providing church planter training (Train)
  • Supporting and encouraging the church planter through coaching and mentoring (Coach and Mentor)
  • Celebration and Renewal, reflecting on God’s great work thus far and looking to him for greater works in the future. (Celebrate and Renew)

In that vein, moving forward, the individuals below will be happy to assist you with any questions you might have related to the church planting ecosystem:

Additional Church Planting Services Contact Information:

Church Planter Apprenticeships
Chris Vogel, 262-501-1161,

Regional Church Planting Associates
Doug Swagerty, 760-814-4644, (California)
Vinny Tauriello, 267-444-8988, (Northeast)

In the early days of the PCA, MNA focused primarily on organizing churches transferring into the PCA from other denominations. In its next generation, MNA assumed direct responsibility for providing in a centralized fashion the services required for the seven phases. In recent years, MNA has moved steadily toward a resourcing and training role as churches and presbyteries assume a growing ownership and have achieved ever-greater skills in developing local and regional ecosystems for church planting.

God has blessed the PCA with a strong sense of calling to church planting. For the past 14 years, an average of one PCA church planter has been placed on the field each week across North America. While this is a good number for a denomination the size of the PCA, we want to trust God for more. We believe the time has come for MNA to move toward an even greater focus on serving churches, presbyteries and networks in their development of church planting ecosystems. Accordingly, MNA provides leadership to develop growing services in each of these crucial areas. If we are to see church planting multiply, it is time for us to pursue new and best pathways for multiplication, so that local and regional systems of church planting begin to reproduce radically.

As one of the core services that MNA provides, we expect to continue conducting centralized Church Planter Assessment Centers in Atlanta through the remainder of 2019. In 2020 and beyond, we intend to multiply our assessments into regional, and even local, expressions. Please be on the lookout in the weeks ahead for more announcements related to this exciting new chapter.

Please explore the resources listed on this page and the rest of the MNA web site and prayerfully consider participating with us through your financial support. You can make a tax-deductible donation to MNA Church Planting

We at MNA ask your prayers for God’s leading and blessing in our ongoing church planting movement. May the gates of hell not stand against the advance of Christ’s church! Amen.

Paul Hahn, MNA Coordinator